Tectyl™ 800-D BF

Premium oil based, Barium Free, general purpose, corrosion preventive compound

Tectyl™ 800-D BF is a water displacing, low viscosity, lubricating corrosion preventive oil. The film is light, transparent and oily.
Tectyl™ 800-D BF is recommended for the protection and lubrication of small arms and automatic weapons, industrial equipment, tools, pneumatic controls and light duty machinery and motors in moist, cold conditions.
Tectyl™ 800-D BF serves as a light gauge wire preservative and a tube coating for undercover shipment and storage.

Recommended Dry Film Thickness
over metal profile
6.5 µm
Protection indoor
min. 24 months
Flash point
140°C PMCC
Density @ 20°C
0.87 kg/ltr
Theoretical coverage
@ Recommended dry film thickness
155 sqm/ltr
Viscosity @ 40°C [mm2/s]
14 cSt
Drain time @ 20°C
2 - 3 hours
Storage temperature
10 - 35°C
VOC Content ISO 11890–2 (10.4)
20 g/ltr
Water Displacement
(US Federal Standard STD 791-3007)