Tectyl™ Stone Chipping Black

Premium rubber/resin-based, corrosion preventive compound in aerosol

Tectyl™ Stone Chipping Black is a black colored, solvent cutback, rubber/resin-based corrosion preventive. The product is fast drying, has sound deadening properties and can be painted over. Specially developed to protect the underbody of cars, trucks, trailers, and other vehicles against corrosion and abrasive damage.
Tectyl™ Stone Chipping Black cures to a black, firm, resilient, tough abrasive resistant film.

Recommended Dry Film Thickness
over metal profile
250 µm
Salt Spray
Salt Spray; 5 % NaCl @ 35°C; ISO 9227 NSS (Q-Panels, Type R, ASTM A1008)
min. 20 days
Humidity; 100 % RH; @ 40°C; ISO 6270-2 CH (Q-Panels, Type R, ASTM A1008)
min. 42 days
Protection outdoor
min. 36 months
Flash point
max. 0°C PMCC
Density @ 20°C
1.04 kg/ltr
Nature of Propellant
Theoretical coverage
@ Recommended dry film thickness
1.4 sqm/ltr
Viscosity (Brookfield @ 25°C)
@ 100 RPM
1,300 mPa·s (cP)
Non volatile weight
Dry to Touch @ 20°C
min. 45 minutes
Cure Time @ 20°C
2 - 3 hours
Storage temperature
10 - 35°C
VOC Content ISO 11890–2 (10.4)
676 g/ltr
Gravel-o-Meter (Stone chip) Test SAE-J-400
4A - 4B